Friday, September 4, 2009

Day(s) Off.

So, I've been filling out tons and tons of forms for my internship, +1 productivity? I went to the doctor today, she seems super cool, and I'm really actually excited. Even if it's in a really sketchy part of town. Oh well, walking to the Capital South metro was really fun, in that I got to watch all the senate staff go to work. Walking around the Minnesota Ave metro station, not so much.

The weather has calmed down, meaning it's about sweater weather for me, and comfortable warm weather for everyone else. I got my new mini! I took it to class and it fit in my purse, and it was just soooo adorable. I have finally heard back from all the people I interviewed with, out of the four people I interviewed with, only one turned me down. I guess that means I am seen as a valuable person to have in the work place? Or, I'm just eye-candy.

I've been called pretty just about every time I leave my house. Usually, it's by homeless old men. Actually, it's always been by homeless old me. And their objectifying comments are usually followed by inquires for money. I get it. You call me pretty, you are doing me a favor by calling me pretty, and I should show my gratitude by repaying you monetarily. Awesome. The two times I have given money to people here so far is to the super awesome violin/bass group who plays Mozart, Haydn, and "Viva la Vida" by Cold Play. They are awesome. I will give them a dollar every time I see them if I have it.

Not sure if I mentioned this last time, but our scavenger hunt rapped up very well. We saw a lot of cool places around DC. My favorite was foggy bottom and the kennedy performing arts center.

We went to the Holocause Memorial Museum again yesterday to see a speaker talking about contemporary genocide. My class went, the other section of ILO went, and the international environment class went, too. it was just supposed to be for us. But, some old couple decided to sneak in and sit in the back. The old lady, during the question and answer section decided to ask about abortion. The speaker talks for three hours on how to prevent genocide, how to recognize genocide, and show an emotional slide show from the years he spent in Darfur, and this old lady had the audacity to bring up abortion. She stands up and holds up a pamphlet from the "Hitlers Propaganda Machine" exhibit and says roughly "It says here that propaganda is the use of lies, half truths, misinformation campaigns, ect. Would you say that the current acceptance of abortion is a "big lie"? Do you think if we lined up all the dead babies in the streets and stopped this horrible propaganda, this misinformation, do you think that people would realize that abortion is a form of genocide?" She went on to basically say that all women who have abortions are buying this "big lie" of the US government and are female Hitlers. Comparing females who take control of their bodies to the mass torture and killing of millions of Jews, Roma, Poles, ect? Sounds Legit.

I'm trying to find someway to stay in Europe over Thanksgiving break. *fingers crossed*

Maybe going to happy hour with one of my roommates later?

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