Wednesday, September 2, 2009

German Marching Bands and Internships

I got the internship I so badly wanted. I am super excited, but at the same time I wish I could do the internships for the other organizations I interviewed with. They all sounded so amazing. I think I'm going to volunteer if possible with one of the other ones.

Additionally, just putting this out there, I don't care if you tell me I am pretty, you are not getting money from me. Informing me of my pleasing outer appearance is not enough to warrant money. Yet some people think that paying me a compliment should get them something in return. I am sorry, my funding is stretched thin enough already.

Furthermore, I got my phone taken care of, and my doctors taken care of, and my books taken care of, and soon my computer will be taken care of.

Finally, I had a lot of fun at the local eating/drinking facility with a german student. I discovered that competitive marching bands are a foreign concept, as are college counselling centers. Very fascinating conversation.

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